It seems that Dell might release GingerBread for the Dell Streak, this from Amy Bivin from Dell responding to @Arc28 via twitter. If they are releasing 2.3 I hope they don’t draw it out like they did with 2.2.
I remember when I was looking at the OTA upgrade last year and asking Amy about it. For starters I bought my Streak from TeleChoice here in Australia out right for $749 AUD and use it currently on Vodafone with no problems, I asked Amy when would we see the Official update for Australian Streaks, response was that my Streak (All Australian Streaks) was locked to Optus network so would get in December 2010 when the carrier released it… If it was looked do you think I could use it on Vodafone?… Just goes to show they haven't got a clue. In the ending I did manually update it to the Official ROM.
Here is the extract from the Twitter conversation….
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