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Dell abandons Australian Streak Owners! No Accessories!

Ok I have owned my Dell Streak for almost 8 months (or so) and could not find any accessories - Chargers, Cables, Cases sold in Australia. Thats right you currently can not buy anything related to the Dell Streak (other than the Streak itself) here in Australia. If you want to get anything for your Streak have only a few options available to you...

Monday, November 22, 2010

Update for Ozy Streak still coming...

for those that have the Australian Dell Streak with baseband GAUSB1A111800 may still be waiting, hopefully Dell is releasing the update per Baseband and the update shouldn't be to far away... ctoss fingers...Published with Blogger-droid v1....

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dell Streak update still waiting....

It seems that Dell is still getting things sorted out with the update for the Dell Streak, hope iy is soon...Published with Blogger-droid v1....

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dell Streak getting ready for 2.2 update...

With the Dell Streak's update looming closer and closer most Streak owners have been checking daily if not for me hourly it seemed there was some movement as it changed from just text to showing Dells logo. For me the the Streak is great even with 1.6 but would just be Awesome! With 2.2 - Widgets and more...Published with Blogger-droid v1....

Saturday, November 13, 2010

New toy - Dell Streak

Ok finally gave up on WinMo and gone for Android with the Dell Streak.Published with Blogger-droid v1....

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